The heart of every woman’s health

If the medical history is the collection of the patient’s and her family’s clinical information and on the patient’s lifestyle, the gynaecological examination provides a comprehensive assessment of the state of health of the female genital apparatus, such as the conditions relating to sexuality, reproduction, tumor prevention.


We can prevent the onset of important health problems.


The network of experts I work with will be available to you.

Tailor-made medicine

I always prioritize you and your needs.


I offer a private and comfortable environment


Gynaecological examinations

I always tell my patients to undergo a gynaecological checkup once a year, even in the absence of symptoms, and to do a Pap test for the early detection of cervical cancer. During the examination I also perform pelvic ultrasounds.

Some special conditions and symptoms should prompt patients to undergo a gynaecological examination regardless of the time interval from a previous check.

It is always advisable to contact your trusted gynaecologist in case of:

menstrual periods disorders (no periods, severe pain, irregularity or abundant period);
Urogynecological infections (vaginitis, cystitis);
problems during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia, vulvodynia);
breast conditions;
doubts about menopause;

Obstetric examinations

If you are pregnant, you can contact me for all the I, II and III trimester checks and tests and for an informative interview about prenatal diagnosis. In addition to routine checks, my patients receive ultrasound check at each examination.

You will also find support for choosing the type of delivery without any bias, and a consultation for everything related to birth, breastfeeding and postpartum.


Paediatric and adolescent gynaecology – Endocrinology – Contraception

Paediatric and adolescent gynaecology

The first gynaecological examination can often cause anxiety and fear, especially for very young girls, yet it is very important. It must be carried out at a young age, even before sexual relationships. It begins with a detailed patient’s history (symptoms, interventions the patient has so far undergone) and of the women of her family, continuing then with the examination of internal and external organs.

By focusing on information and prevention, I insist on making orientation interviews on contraception with adolescents.

Puberty (delayed or exaggerated development)
Adolescence (alterations of the menstrual periods, acne, body hairs)
Menstrual period disorders associated with coexisting endocrinological problems.

Endocrinological gynaecology

Endocrinological gynaecology aims at examining the hormonal function of women from infancy to adulthood.

Check of irregular of the menstrual periods.
Polycystic ovary.


I help women choose the contraceptive method that best suits their needs. Since contraception is a field of gynaecology that keeps evolving, I provide a complete and correct view of all possibilities: it is a shared choice, according to your preferences.

Condom or diaphragm.
Copper or medicated IUD.
Estroprogestinic therapy (pill, IUD, patch) or progestinic therapy.
Emergency contraception.
Nexplanon® subcutaneous contraceptive implant


Genital and breast tumors

Pap Test

The Pap test (Papanicolaou test) is a simple, painless test of proven effectiveness in early detection of cervical cancer and a consequent early treatment and cure. Pap test is used to identify the presence of HPV (Papilloma Virus).

Should the result of the Pap test be altered, I can perform some investigations such as HPV DNA TEST (genotype) and colposcopy.

It cannot be performed during the menstrual period.
Do not apply creams, vaginal irrigators and vaginal suppositories in the 5 day-period before the appointment.
Refrain from sexual intercourse for at least two days before the test.


The HPV DNA Test is carried out in case the Pap Test gives a non-satisfactory result. This additional test involves the in-depth laboratory study of cells for the specific research of Papilloma virus.

It cannot be performed during the menstrual period.
Do not apply creams, vaginal irrigators and vaginal suppositories in the 5 day-period before the appointment.
Refrain from sexual intercourse for at least two days before the test.


Colposcopy is a painless test and is performed without anaesthesia. It generally lasts 10-15 minutes and in this time slot the patient might feel a slight tingling. After the examination there may be little blood loss that - in most cases - resolves alone within 48 hours.

Using the vaginal speculum, I highlight the cervix and vaginal walls. To get a better view, I apply liquid reagent products (Lugol's solution and 5% Acetate Acid) and, if necessary, I perform biopsies.

Colposcopy is performed if the Pap test has shown abnormal results, if during the gynaecological examination polyps, irregularities of the cervix, or in case of lesions or irregularity of the vagina were detected.

It cannot be performed during the menstrual period.
Do not apply creams, vaginal irrigators and vaginal suppositories in the 5 day-period before the appointment.
Refrain from sexual intercourse for at least two days before the test.


Vulvoscopy is performed through the enlarged view of the external genitals (vulva) with the patient in the same position adopted for a gynaecological examination. It is a painless test, during which I can make biopsies.

It highlights the presence of moles, vulvar lichen, condylomata, dyschromia.

Breast examination

Thanks to the breast examination it is possible to prevent the onset of breast cancer. In addition, I can provide you with the necessary information to perform the same examination periodically at home, so that you can make a proper self-assessment. Keep in mind that self-assessment does not rule out the need to contact your GP and your gynaecologist for a further check.


Obstetric examinations - Fertility in the couple - menopause - urogynaecology

Fertility in the couple

If you are a couple who is trying to have a child, it may be useful to investigate the causes of failure to conception by involving both partners. During the examination I reconstruct the clinical history of both partners: I ask the couple how long they have been trying to have a child, how often they have sex, if they have started any pharmacological treatment, general information about the menstrual period, contraceptive methods used in the past, and more generally, I investigate the medical history of both partners.

During the consultation for sterility, I perform a complete gynaecological examination with pelvic ultrasound and ask both partners to undergo tests and examinations to investigate the causes of failure in order to have an initial diagnosis. 

It should be remembered that the sterility of the couple can be motivated not only by physiological causes, but also by psychological causes and lifestyle. It is also good practice:

avoid alcohol, cigarettes, drugs;
have a healthy diet;
do physical activity regularly.


Menopause is a crucial step for women, both from a physical and psychological point of view. The requested examination touches multiple aspects and I can help you reduce and eliminate menopause-related problems such as weight changes, joint pain and osteoporosis, mood swings, sleep disorders, urogenital syndrome (vaginitis and recurrent cystitis, vaginal dryness).

If you are very young or have recently entered menopause or suffer from major disorders, we can also evaluate together the possibility of starting a hormone replacement therapy, in relation to your personal and family risk factors.

Urogynaecological examination

With the urogynaecological examination, I verify the partial or total collapse of the suspension and support systems of the pelvic organs that can often be associated with urinary incontinence.

Check for genital prolapse;
Analysis of urinary and/or faecal incontinence;
Control of recurrent urinary infections.


Book your gynaecological examination and together we will treat your problems.